What is Drupal?

Drupal is an open–source CMS software, that stands behind a lot of websites and web applications, for example – a portion of the largest web sites on–line such as Economist.com and WhiteHouse.gov. It is looked after by worldwide community of over 500,000 end users and designers who frequently add completely new revisions as well as integrate the most advanced systems on the internet.

You’re able to employ Drupal to construct any kind of web site – a private blog, an online community, a multimedia site, an online store, etc. Thanks to the huge variety of available add–on modules and preconfigured templates for feature–rich sites, you have a really good grounds for jump–starting your site.

Drupal is a registered trademark of Dries Buytaert and shares no connection with nikohost.com.

Drupal–Optimized Linux Shared Website Hosting Services

Assuming that you need an effective Drupal Linux shared website hosting solution, you’ve just reached the perfect place. At nikohost.com, all the Drupal Linux shared website hosting services come with a 99.9% service uptime, guaranteed. We shall also install & configure Drupal for you right from sign–up. And furthermore, in case at any point in the initial 30 days you’re not happy with our products – we will present you a refund, no questions asked.

Every single one of the Drupal Linux shared website hosting plans moreover is sold with limitless disk space, unrestricted traffic and unrestricted MySQL storage. Because of this, your web site can easily expand and become increasingly popular without you ever being required to be concerned with reaching any feature confines.

A Point & Click Web Control Panel

Aside from our unique shared website hosting system, we’ve additionally made an exceptional Web Control Panel which is available with our Drupal Linux shared website hosting packages. It’s developed to live in the cloud and also to interact exclusively with nikohost.com’s Linux shared website hosting platform. This makes it noticeably faster and more dependable as compared with different other control panels.

An additional benefit of nikohost.com’s Web Control Panel is that it allows you to handle everything from only one place. You can administer your web site, promptly switch to make some alterations for your domain name, and then look at your billing – all within the same control panel, merely a click away. No need for extra billing or domain panels and no need for you to remember several passwords.