Blazing–fast web site load speeds for your visitors from the United Kingdom, the rest of Europe and Africa

We partner with one of the most famous data centers in England to guarantee the very best web site load speeds for the visitors to your dynamic multimedia sites. This is a fabulous chance for you to guarantee the best conceivable online experience for your clients from the United Kingdom, the rest of Europe or Africa.

The UK Servers data center is located several miles away from Coventry and offers fabulous security conditions for your resource–heavy websites and applications. A group of qualified admins is working onsite 24–7 to assure a 99.9% server uptime and to perform off–site backups of your hosted content on a weekly basis.

In the United Kingdom based data center you’ll find a bouquet of VPS plans that you can take advantage of. Our VPS Web Hosting solutions do not entail any server configuration fees and feature NVMes. You will get a Linux OS of your choice, an admin panel and a Web Control Panel pre–installed on the VPS. The UK data center option is available on the signup page.

Shared Website Hosting United Kingdom Services

If you find Virtual Private Servers time–consuming and a bit difficult to deal with, there is an alternative option for you. You can examine our Shared Website Hosting United Kingdom plans. They do not need such special care and each of them features a 99.9% network uptime guarantee. Additionally, with every Shared Website Hosting United Kingdom package, you will get unlimited disk space and unmetered monthly traffic allowances, a free domain name and tons of charge–free tools and bonuses.